
Revolution Number Nine...number nine...number nine

Tried out Technorati for some feeds. At first I was not impressed, until I found one really useful one under their TOPIC--Life: The Simple Dollar I was interested in Technorati's "authority ranking," which they describe as "the number of blogs linking to a website in the last six months. The higher the number, the more Technorati Authority the blog has." Interesting how they use the term "authority" rather than "popularity." Can one always assume a blog is authoritative based on number of blogs linking to it. We librarians often talk to our customers about looking for signs of authority on Websites. Will they misread Technorati's label. On the other hand, maybe there is a fairly good correlation between popularity and authority. Hmmmm.

You really get the feeling of OVERLOAD when looking at Topix. I followed a few links and found some interesting articles and comments. One article really peaked my interest about a school putting a camera in the bathroom. I added it as a bookmark in MyYahoo. It seems that Topix focuses on the news and comments, rather than following individual's blogs. You can see how much Web 2.0 has spread within media!!

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